Everlast (2002)
Freedom song

Original Lyrics (Japanese)

It's alright 何も気にしなくていいのさ
So Darling ⼼の鎖をほどいて
⽬が覚めたら笑えるさ 新しい光の中で
It's alright 無くしたものもあるけれど
So Darling ⼼をあげて進もう
時を⽌めて夢の中へ 君の想いは届くはずさ
⽬が覚めたら笑えるさ ⻑い夜も明けるから

Translated Lyrics (English)

It’s alright, there’s nothing you need to worry about
So darling, undo the chains around your heart
Stop time, and step into the dream, your feelings will surely reach me
When you wake up, you’ll be able to smile, bathed in the new light
It’s alright, though some things have been lost
So darling, lift your heart and move forward
Stop time, and step into the dream, your feelings will surely reach me
When you wake up, you’ll be able to smile, because even the long night will break
Where no one can interrupt
In the light