Everlast (2002)
Go straight song!

Original Lyrics (Japanese)

汚れたりない⼼の影が ⼤事な⽇々を連れてゆくのさ
遠かった明⽇の果てに すべてが終わるのさ
嵐の夜に裸⾜で⾛る 差し伸べた⼿に覚悟のヤイバ
遠かった明⽇の果てに すべてが終わるのさ
絶望の後に 空を⾒たのさ 忘れていた輝きを
腑抜けになるのに 勇気はいらない
迷いつづけた あの⽇の君を 抱きしめてゆこう
絶望の後に空を⾒たのさ 忘れていた輝きを
混乱の始めから 歩き出した
そう 始まらない物語は 捨ててゆこう
⾃由への朝 ⾶び込むのさ
ありったけの この声で 歌うのさ

Translated Lyrics (English)

The shadow of an unsullied heart takes away our precious days
At the far end of tomorrow, everything will come to an end
Running barefoot through the stormy night, a blade of resolve in the outstretched hand
At the far end of tomorrow, everything will come to an end
After despair, I looked up at the sky and saw a forgotten brilliance
Awakening the real me
I began walking from the start of the chaos
It doesn’t take courage to become a coward
This city is where I belong
Let’s embrace the you from that lost day
And once again, a future will be reborn
After despair, I looked up at the sky and saw a forgotten brilliance
Awakening the real me
I began walking from the start of the chaos
Yes, let’s throw away the story that never began
Leap into the morning of freedom
With all the strength in my voice, I’ll sing
And keep on walking