Dirge No.9 (2001)

Original Lyrics (Japanese)

曇り空 ビルの向こうに
きみにそう 近づこうと戦ったのに無駄に終わった
I've been blind. Come inside.
朝の街 途⽅に暮れた僕は何をすればいいのか
I've been blind. Come inside.
⼼を失ったまま いつも捜してた
荒れる空の下で いつも願い続けた

Translated Lyrics (English)

Cloudy skies, beyond the buildings
I saw you and kept running
I fought so hard to get closer to you, but it was all in vain
I've been blind. Come inside.
In the morning city, fading into the distance
What should I do now?
Carrying legs that won't move, will it end before it even begins?
I've been blind. Come inside.
I’ve been searching all this time, even with my heart lost
Underneath the stormy sky, I kept wishing
Gently guiding me, always breaking me
Please, be with me, as I kept crying out