Everlast (2002)

Original Lyrics (Japanese)

Jesus 汚れた窓に⻘すぎる空
Jesus 晴れた⽇には外へ⾏こう
Jesus 虹がかかる 明⽇の朝
Jesus 曲がり⻆の細い道
Oh, Jesus
踏みしめていく 孤独の⾬の道も
⼼に流れる歌 この⼿で抱きしめよう
Here comes the sun, my sweet lonesome boy.

Translated Lyrics (English)

Jesus, the sky is too blue beyond the dirty window
Jesus, let’s go outside on a sunny day
Jesus, a rainbow will appear tomorrow morning
Jesus, the narrow road around the corner
Holding onto my wavering heart, I’ll keep walking
This is our song
Oh, Jesus
I’ll keep stepping forward, even on the lonely, rainy roads
The song that flows within my heart, I’ll hold it close with these hands
Embrace both the joy and the sorrow
Embrace both the joy and the sorrow
We’ll take it all in
Let’s place our wishes on the sound of bells ringing in the distance
Over and over, over and over
Here comes the sun, my sweet lonesome boy.